Syntaxfehler beim Kompilieren

  • Hallo erstmal,
    Habe da einen völlig nervigen Fehler vielleicht kann mir ja jemand helfen:

    error C2143: Syntaxfehler : Fehlendes '{' vor 'PCH creation point'

    Bei dem Ganzen Spaß soll nachher eine dll Datei zur Ansteuerung eines USB Gerätes heraus kommen. Als Hilfe benutze ich die libusb-win32 von

    Dank& Gruß im Voraus

    Ausschnitt aus lib.c:

    #include "usb.h"
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include "lib.h"

    usb_dev_handle *usbIODevice;// habe die Vermutung das der Fehler hier liegt!!

    unsigned char writeBuffer[8];
    unsigned char readBuffer[8];
    EXPORT int searchDevice(int vendorID, int productID) {
    struct usb_bus *busses;
    struct usb_bus *bus;
    struct usb_device *dev;


    /* Find the device */
    busses = usb_get_busses();

    for (bus=busses; bus; bus=bus->next) {
    for (dev=bus->devices; dev; dev=dev->next) {
    if (dev->descriptor.idVendor == vendorID &&
    dev->descriptor.idProduct == productID) {
    return 1;
    return 0;

    Ausschnitt aus usb.h
    #ifndef __USB_H__
    #define __USB_H__

    #include <stdlib.h>

    * 'interface' is defined somewhere in the Windows header files. This macro
    * is deleted here to avoid conflicts and compile errors.

    #ifdef interface
    #undef interface

    * PATH_MAX from limits.h can't be used on Windows if the dll and
    * import libraries are build/used by different compilers

    #define LIBUSB_PATH_MAX 512

    * USB spec information
    * This is all stuff grabbed from various USB specs and is pretty much
    * not subject to change

    * Device and/or Interface Class codes
    for DeviceClass */
    #define USB_CLASS_AUDIO 1
    #define USB_CLASS_COMM 2
    #define USB_CLASS_HID 3
    #define USB_CLASS_PRINTER 7
    #define USB_CLASS_HUB 9
    #define USB_CLASS_DATA 10
    #define USB_CLASS_VENDOR_SPEC 0xff

    * Descriptor types
    #define USB_DT_DEVICE 0x01
    #define USB_DT_CONFIG 0x02
    #define USB_DT_STRING 0x03
    #define USB_DT_INTERFACE 0x04
    #define USB_DT_ENDPOINT 0x05

    #define USB_DT_HID 0x21
    #define USB_DT_REPORT 0x22
    #define USB_DT_PHYSICAL 0x23
    #define USB_DT_HUB 0x29

    * Descriptor sizes per descriptor type
    #define USB_DT_DEVICE_SIZE 18
    #define USB_DT_CONFIG_SIZE 9
    #define USB_DT_ENDPOINT_SIZE 7
    Audio extension */
    #define USB_DT_HUB_NONVAR_SIZE 7

    /* ensure byte-packed structures */
    #include <pshpack1.h>

    /* All standard descriptors have these 2 fields in common */
    struct usb_descriptor_header {
    unsigned char bLength;
    unsigned char bDescriptorType;

    /* String descriptor */
    struct usb_string_descriptor {
    unsigned char bLength;
    unsigned char bDescriptorType;
    unsigned short wData[1];

    /* HID descriptor */
    struct usb_hid_descriptor {
    unsigned char bLength;
    unsigned char bDescriptorType;
    unsigned short bcdHID;
    unsigned char bCountryCode;
    unsigned char bNumDescriptors;

    /* Endpoint descriptor */
    #define USB_MAXENDPOINTS 32
    struct usb_endpoint_descriptor {
    unsigned char bLength;
    unsigned char bDescriptorType;
    unsigned char bEndpointAddress;
    unsigned char bmAttributes;
    unsigned short wMaxPacketSize;
    unsigned char bInterval;
    unsigned char bRefresh;
    unsigned char bSynchAddress;

    unsigned char *extra; /* Extra descriptors */
    int extralen;

    #define USB_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_MASK 0x0f /* in bEndpointAddress */
    #define USB_ENDPOINT_DIR_MASK 0x80

    #define USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_MASK 0x03 /* in bmAttributes */

    /* Interface descriptor */
    #define USB_MAXINTERFACES 32
    struct usb_interface_descriptor {
    unsigned char bLength;
    unsigned char bDescriptorType;
    unsigned char bInterfaceNumber;
    unsigned char bAlternateSetting;
    unsigned char bNumEndpoints;
    unsigned char bInterfaceClass;
    unsigned char bInterfaceSubClass;
    unsigned char bInterfaceProtocol;
    unsigned char iInterface;

    struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *endpoint;

    unsigned char *extra; /* Extra descriptors */
    int extralen;

    #define USB_MAXALTSETTING 128 /* Hard limit */

    struct usb_interface {
    struct usb_interface_descriptor *altsetting;

    int num_altsetting;

    /* Configuration descriptor information.. */
    #define USB_MAXCONFIG 8
    struct usb_config_descriptor {
    unsigned char bLength;
    unsigned char bDescriptorType;
    unsigned short wTotalLength;
    unsigned char bNumInterfaces;
    unsigned char bConfigurationValue;
    unsigned char iConfiguration;
    unsigned char bmAttributes;
    unsigned char MaxPower;

    struct usb_interface *interface;

    unsigned char *extra; /* Extra descriptors */
    int extralen;

    /* Device descriptor */
    struct usb_device_descriptor {
    unsigned char bLength;
    unsigned char bDescriptorType;
    unsigned short bcdUSB;
    unsigned char bDeviceClass;
    unsigned char bDeviceSubClass;
    unsigned char bDeviceProtocol;
    unsigned char bMaxPacketSize0;
    unsigned short idVendor;
    unsigned short idProduct;
    unsigned short bcdDevice;
    unsigned char iManufacturer;
    unsigned char iProduct;
    unsigned char iSerialNumber;
    unsigned char bNumConfigurations;

    struct usb_ctrl_setup {
    unsigned char bRequestType;
    unsigned char bRequest;
    unsigned short wValue;
    unsigned short wIndex;
    unsigned short wLength;

    * Standard requests
    #define USB_REQ_GET_STATUS 0x00
    #define USB_REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE 0x01
    /* 0x02 is reserved */
    #define USB_REQ_SET_FEATURE 0x03
    /* 0x04 is reserved */
    #define USB_REQ_SET_ADDRESS 0x05
    #define USB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR 0x06
    #define USB_REQ_SET_DESCRIPTOR 0x07
    #define USB_REQ_GET_INTERFACE 0x0A
    #define USB_REQ_SET_INTERFACE 0x0B
    #define USB_REQ_SYNCH_FRAME 0x0C

    #define USB_TYPE_STANDARD (0x00 << 5)
    #define USB_TYPE_CLASS (0x01 << 5)
    #define USB_TYPE_VENDOR (0x02 << 5)
    #define USB_TYPE_RESERVED (0x03 << 5)

    #define USB_RECIP_DEVICE 0x00
    #define USB_RECIP_INTERFACE 0x01
    #define USB_RECIP_ENDPOINT 0x02
    #define USB_RECIP_OTHER 0x03

    * Various libusb API related stuff

    #define USB_ENDPOINT_IN 0x80
    #define USB_ENDPOINT_OUT 0x00

    /* Error codes */
    #define USB_ERROR_BEGIN 500000

    * This is supposed to look weird. This file is generated from autoconf
    * and I didn't want to make this too complicated.
    #define USB_LE16_TO_CPU(x)

    /* Data types */
    /* struct usb_device; */
    /* struct usb_bus; */

    struct usb_device {
    struct usb_device *next, *prev;

    char filename[LIBUSB_PATH_MAX];

    struct usb_bus *bus;

    struct usb_device_descriptor descriptor;
    struct usb_config_descriptor *config;

    void *dev; /* Darwin support */

    unsigned char devnum;

    unsigned char num_children;
    struct usb_device **children;

    struct usb_bus {
    struct usb_bus *next, *prev;

    char dirname[LIBUSB_PATH_MAX];

    struct usb_device *devices;
    unsigned long location;

    struct usb_device *root_dev;

    /* Version information, Windows specific */
    struct usb_version {
    struct {
    int major;
    int minor;
    int micro;
    int nano;
    } dll;
    struct {
    int major;
    int minor;
    int micro;
    int nano;
    } driver;

    struct usb_dev_handle;
    typedef struct usb_dev_handle usb_dev_handle;

    /* Variables */
    extern struct usb_bus *usb_busses;

    #include <poppack.h>

    #ifdef __cplusplus
    extern "C" {

    /* Function prototypes */

    /* usb.c */
    usb_dev_handle *usb_open(struct usb_device *dev);
    int usb_close(usb_dev_handle *dev);
    int usb_get_string(usb_dev_handle *dev, int index, int langid, char *buf,
    size_t buflen);
    int usb_get_string_simple(usb_dev_handle *dev, int index, char *buf,
    size_t buflen);

    /* descriptors.c */
    int usb_get_descriptor_by_endpoint(usb_dev_handle *udev, int ep,
    unsigned char type, unsigned char index,
    void *buf, int size);
    int usb_get_descriptor(usb_dev_handle *udev, unsigned char type,
    unsigned char index, void *buf, int size);

    /* <arch>.c */
    int usb_bulk_write(usb_dev_handle *dev, int ep, char *bytes, int size,
    int timeout);
    int usb_bulk_read(usb_dev_handle *dev, int ep, char *bytes, int size,
    int timeout);
    int usb_interrupt_write(usb_dev_handle *dev, int ep, char *bytes, int size,
    int timeout);
    int usb_interrupt_read(usb_dev_handle *dev, int ep, char *bytes, int size,
    int timeout);
    int usb_control_msg(usb_dev_handle *dev, int requesttype, int request,
    int value, int index, char *bytes, int size,
    int timeout);
    int usb_set_configuration(usb_dev_handle *dev, int configuration);
    int usb_claim_interface(usb_dev_handle *dev, int interface);
    int usb_release_interface(usb_dev_handle *dev, int interface);
    int usb_set_altinterface(usb_dev_handle *dev, int alternate);
    int usb_resetep(usb_dev_handle *dev, unsigned int ep);
    int usb_clear_halt(usb_dev_handle *dev, unsigned int ep);
    int usb_reset(usb_dev_handle *dev);

    char *usb_strerror(void);

    void usb_init(void);
    void usb_set_debug(int level);
    int usb_find_busses(void);
    int usb_find_devices(void);
    struct usb_device *usb_device(usb_dev_handle *dev);
    struct usb_bus *usb_get_busses(void);

    /* Windows specific functions */

    int usb_install_service_np(void);

    int usb_uninstall_service_np(void);

    int usb_install_driver_np(const char *inf_file);

    const struct usb_version *usb_get_version(void);

    int usb_isochronous_setup_async(usb_dev_handle *dev, void **context,
    unsigned char ep, int pktsize);
    int usb_bulk_setup_async(usb_dev_handle *dev, void **context,
    unsigned char ep);
    int usb_interrupt_setup_async(usb_dev_handle *dev, void **context,
    unsigned char ep);

    int usb_submit_async(void *context, char *bytes, int size);
    int usb_reap_async(void *context, int timeout);
    int usb_free_async(void **context);

    #ifdef __cplusplus

    #endif /* __USB_H__ */

  • t mir leid!
    Habe das mit dem Source code wohl etwas zuuuuu gut gemeint! 🙄

    Fakt ist das ich eine dll erzeugen will zu Ansteuerung Eines USB Gerätes!
    Dazu verwende ich msvc6 und die Open Source Bib. Meine Vorkenntnisse was C++ an geht sind mittelmäßig... sagen wir mal so ich hasse Objekte!

    Über Hilfe würde ich mich seht freuen!

  • und wo tritt der Fehler auf?

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