Internet - Bild aus dem Internet laden

  • Hoi weiss jemand wie ich ein bild aus dem internet in meinem programm laden kann ?? hab kein blassen schimmer bin für jeden tipp dankbar....

  • Da ich grad kein Bock hab dir das alles zu erklären poste ich einfach ne funktion, die ich mir mal geschrieben hab:

    #include <afxinet.h>
    #define SUCCESS 0
    #define INVALID_PATH 1
    #define ACCESS_DENIED 2
    #define DISK_FULL 3
    #define INVALID_URL 4
    #define FILE_NOT_FOUND 5
    int GetPicFromHTTP(CString strURL, CString strPathToSaveTo)
        DWORD dwBuffer = 256;
        if(!InternetCanonicalizeUrl(strURL,strURL.GetBuffer(256), &dwBuffer,0))
            return INVALID_URL;
        CString strTmpURL = strURL;
        CInternetSession INetSession;
        CHttpConnection *HTTPConn=NULL;
        CHttpFile *HTTPFile=NULL;
            HTTPFile = HTTPConn->OpenRequest(CHttpConnection::HTTP_VERB_GET,strURL);
        CATCH(CInternetException, pEx)
            delete HTTPFile;
            delete HTTPConn;
            return FILE_NOT_FOUND;
        CString strMime;
        HttpFile->QueryInfo(HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE, strMime);
            delete HTTPFile;
            delete HTTPConn;
            return FILE_NOT_FOUND;
        CFile *pFile;
            pFile = new CFile(strPathToSaveTo+strURL.Right(strURL.GetLength()-strURL.ReverseFind('/')), CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite);
        CATCH(CFileException, pEx)
            delete HTTPFile;
            delete HTTPConn;
            if(pEx->m_cause == CFileException::badPath)
                return INVALID_PATH;
            if(pEx->m_cause == CFileException::accessDenied)
                return ACCESS_DENIED;
            if(pEx->m_cause == CFileException::diskFull)
                return DISK_FULL;
        char *chBuffer = new char[5*1024+1];
        int nRead = 0;
        while((nRead = HTTPFile->Read(chBuffer, 5*1024)))
            chBuffer[nRead] = '\0';
        delete HTTPFile;
        delete HTTPConn;
        delete[] chBuffer;
        CString strBuffer;
        pFile->Read(strBuffer.GetBuffer(pFile->GetLength()), pFile->GetLength());
        delete pFile;
        return SUCCESS;

    Hab grad noch n bissle was geändert, falls es Kompilerfehler gibt, bitte sagen.

  • noe ist OK bis auf ein paar rechtschreibfehler bei


    muss heisen


    und noch mit Wininet.lib im linker klappt es

    jetzt aber noch zu den paras

    strURL wird wohl das sein http:\\\user123\pics\pic.jpg
    und was ist strPathToSaveTo ??

    aber ganz raff ich es net wie bekomm ich nun mit der funktion mein bild in mein dialog ?

  • jo, der erste parameter stimmt und der zweite ist zb C:\Bilder
    in der Verzeichnis wird die Datei dann gespeichert, mit dem selben namen, wie auf dem server. Um das bild in deinem Dialog anzuzeigen brauchst du ne klasse, die gifs und jpgs anzeigen kann ...
    sag mir, wenn du eine gefunden hast, die auch mit kaputten bildern zurecht kommt und nicht einfach abstürzt oder in ne endlosschleife geht.

  • hmm also ich finde nur beispiele im netzt wo ich das bild in die resourcen einfügen muss aber das nütz mir ja net da das bild ja net fest ist sondern es soll ja immer nen aktuelles bild aus dem netzt geladen und im dialog angeziegt werden...

    wenn einer ne idee oder sowas schon mal gemacht hat bitte posten ....

  • hab da was gefunden

    cpp file

    // Picture (Implementations) Version 1.00
    // Routins 4 Showing Picture Files... (.BMP .DIB .EMF .GIF .ICO .JPG .WMF)
    // Author: Dr. Yovav Gad, EMail: ,Web: 
    // Full Story:
    // ~~~~~~~~~~~
    // There R Many Libraries To Handle Image Files, Anyway Most Of Them Do Not
    // Include Source Files Or Just Very Complicated To Implement / Understand,
    // After Many Days Of Searching (And Not Finding) a Way To Load a JPG From a
    // Resource And Show It On a *Dialog Based* Application, I Decided 2 Take Steps
    // So I Created What I Call a Very *Simple* & Useful Class,
    // It Can Easily Implemented By Adding It To a Project, And U Do Not Have To
    // Be a Real JPEG Freak - And Invent All Header Reading From The Beginning
    // (It Uses The IPicture Interface - Same Way As Internet Explorer Does)
    // I Would Like To Thank Mr.Peter Hendrix For His Wonderful Work
    // That I Found On: 
    // Which I Was Inspired And Got The IPicture Interface Idea From...
    // Guess U Will Find It Useful,
    // Appreciate If U Can Mention My Name On Your Final Code,
    // Please Feel Free To Send Me Any Improvements Or SaveAsJPG() Functions:
    // (This Program Has No Bugs - Only Undocumented Solutions)
    // Author: Dr. Yovav Gad, EMail: ,Web: 
    //--------------------------Example & Usage 4 Dummies--------------------------
    //  U Need 2 Add "CPicture.CPP" and "CPicture.H" Into Your Project (From FileView)
    //  So U Will Get Control Over The Functions In This Class,
    //  Then U Can Create a Picture Object And Show It On a Device Context
    //  CPicture m_Picture;  // Create a Picture Object (An Instance Of This Class)
    //  #include "Picture.h" // Make Sure U Include This Where U Gonna Create The Object...
    //  Load Picture Data Into The IPicture Interface (.BMP .DIB .EMF .GIF .ICO .JPG .WMF)
    //  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    //  m_Picture.Load("Test.JPG"); // Load From a File - Just Load It (Show Later)
    //  m_Picture.Load(IDR_TEST, "JPG"); // Load From a Resource - Just Load It (Show Later)
    //  (U Must Include IDR_TEST In Your Resources Under a Custom Name, 4 Example - "JPG")
    //  When Using DC Object On a *Dialog Based* Application (CPaintDC dc(this);)
    //  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    //  m_Picture.UpdateSizeOnDC(&dc); // Get Picture Dimentions In Pixels
    //  m_Picture.Show(&dc, CPoint(0,0), CPoint(m_Picture.m_Width, m_Picture.m_Height), 0,0);
    //  m_Picture.Show(&dc, CRect(0,0,100,100)); // Change Original Dimentions
    //  m_Picture.ShowBitmapResource(&dc, IDB_TEST, CPoint(0,0)); // Show Bitmap Resource
    //  OR When Using a Pointer On a "Regular" MFC Application (CDC* pDC)
    //  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    //  m_Picture.UpdateSizeOnDC(pDC); // Get Picture Dimentions In Pixels
    //  m_Picture.Show(pDC, CPoint(0,0), CPoint(m_Picture.m_Width, m_Picture.m_Height), 0,0);
    //  m_Picture.Show(pDC, CRect(0,0,100,100)); // Change Original Dimentions
    //  m_Picture.ShowBitmapResource(pDC, IDB_TEST, CPoint(0,0)); // Show Bitmap Resource
    //  Show Picture Information
    //  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    //  CString S;
    //  S.Format("Size = %4d\nWidth = %4d\nHeight = %4d\nWeight = %4d\n",
    //  m_Picture.m_Weight, m_Picture.m_Width, m_Picture.m_Height, m_Picture.m_Weight);
    //  AfxMessageBox(S);
    //----------------------------Cut The Bullshit Here----------------------------
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "Picture.h"
    #ifdef _DEBUG
    #define new DEBUG_NEW
    #undef THIS_FILE
    static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
    #define HIMETRIC_INCH 2540
    #define ERROR_TITLE "CPicture Error" // Error Title (Related To This Class)...
    // Does:   Constructor - Create a New CPicture Object To Hold Picture Data
    // ~~~~
        m_IPicture = NULL;
        m_Height = 0;
        m_Weight = 0;
        m_Width = 0;
    // Does:   Destructor - Free Data And Information From The CPicture Object
    // ~~~~
        if(m_IPicture != NULL) FreePictureData(); // Important - Avoid Leaks...
    // Does:   Free The Allocated Memory That Holdes The IPicture Interface Data
    // ~~~~    And Clear Picture Information
    // Note:   This Might Also Be Useful If U Only Need To Show The Picture Once
    // ~~~~~   Or If U Copy The Picture To The Device Context, So It Can Still
    //         Remain On Screen - But IPicture Data Is Not Needed No More
    void CPicture::FreePictureData()
        if(m_IPicture != NULL)
            m_IPicture = NULL;
            m_Height = 0;
            m_Weight = 0;
            m_Width = 0;
    // Does:   Open a Resource And Load It Into IPicture (Interface)
    // ~~~~    (.BMP .DIB .EMF .GIF .ICO .JPG .WMF)
    // Note:   When Adding a Bitmap Resource It Would Automatically Show On "Bitmap"
    // ~~~~    This NOT Good Coz We Need To Load It From a Custom Resource "BMP"
    //         To Add a Custom Rresource: Import Resource -> Open As -> Custom
    //         (Both .BMP And .DIB Should Be Found Under "BMP")
    // InPut:  ResourceName - As a UINT Defined (Example: IDR_PICTURE_RESOURCE)
    // ~~~~~   ResourceType - Type Name (Example: "JPG")
    // OutPut: TRUE If Succeeded...
    // ~~~~~~
    BOOL CPicture::Load(UINT ResourceName, LPCSTR ResourceType)
        BOOL bResult = FALSE;
        HGLOBAL     hGlobal = NULL;
        HRSRC       hSource = NULL;
        LPVOID      lpVoid  = NULL;
        int         nSize   = 0;
        if(m_IPicture != NULL) FreePictureData(); // Important - Avoid Leaks...
        hSource = FindResource(AfxGetResourceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(ResourceName), ResourceType);
        if(hSource == NULL)
            HWND hWnd = AfxGetApp()->GetMainWnd()->m_hWnd;
            MessageBoxEx(hWnd, "FindResource() Failed\t", ERROR_TITLE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, LANG_ENGLISH);
        hGlobal = LoadResource(AfxGetResourceHandle(), hSource);
        if(hGlobal == NULL)
            HWND hWnd = AfxGetApp()->GetMainWnd()->m_hWnd;
            MessageBoxEx(hWnd, "LoadResource() Failed\t", ERROR_TITLE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, LANG_ENGLISH);
        lpVoid = LockResource(hGlobal);
        if(lpVoid == NULL)
            HWND hWnd = AfxGetApp()->GetMainWnd()->m_hWnd;
            MessageBoxEx(hWnd, "LockResource() Failed\t", ERROR_TITLE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, LANG_ENGLISH);
        nSize = (UINT)SizeofResource(AfxGetResourceHandle(), hSource);
        if(LoadPictureData((BYTE*)hGlobal, nSize)) bResult = TRUE;
        UnlockResource(hGlobal); // 16Bit Windows Needs This
        FreeResource(hGlobal); // 16Bit Windows Needs This (32Bit - Automatic Release)
        m_Weight = nSize; // Update Picture Size Info...
        if(m_IPicture != NULL) // Do Not Try To Read From Memory That Is Not Exist...
            // Calculate Its Size On a "Standard" (96 DPI) Device Context
            m_Height = MulDiv(m_Height, 96, HIMETRIC_INCH);
            m_Width  = MulDiv(m_Width,  96, HIMETRIC_INCH);
        else // Picture Data Is Not a Known Picture Type
            m_Height = 0;
            m_Width = 0;
            bResult = FALSE;
    // Does:   Open a File And Load It Into IPicture (Interface)
    // ~~~~    (.BMP .DIB .EMF .GIF .ICO .JPG .WMF)
    // InPut:  sFilePathName - Path And FileName Target To Save
    // ~~~~~   
    // OutPut: TRUE If Succeeded...
    // ~~~~~~
    BOOL CPicture::Load(CString sFilePathName)
        BOOL bResult = FALSE;
        CFile PictureFile;
        CFileException e;
        int nSize = 0;
        if(m_IPicture != NULL) FreePictureData(); // Important - Avoid Leaks...
        if(PictureFile.Open(sFilePathName, CFile::modeRead | CFile::typeBinary, &e))
            nSize = PictureFile.GetLength();
            BYTE* pBuffer = new BYTE[nSize];
            if(PictureFile.Read(pBuffer, nSize) > 0)
                if(LoadPictureData(pBuffer, nSize)) bResult = TRUE;
            delete [] pBuffer;
        else // Open Failed...
            TCHAR szCause[255];
            e.GetErrorMessage(szCause, 255, NULL);
            HWND hWnd = AfxGetApp()->GetMainWnd()->m_hWnd;
            MessageBoxEx(hWnd, szCause, ERROR_TITLE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, LANG_ENGLISH);
            bResult = FALSE;
        m_Weight = nSize; // Update Picture Size Info...
        if(m_IPicture != NULL) // Do Not Try To Read From Memory That Is Not Exist...
            // Calculate Its Size On a "Standard" (96 DPI) Device Context
            m_Height = MulDiv(m_Height, 96, HIMETRIC_INCH);
            m_Width  = MulDiv(m_Width,  96, HIMETRIC_INCH);
        else // Picture Data Is Not a Known Picture Type
            m_Height = 0;
            m_Width = 0;
            bResult = FALSE;
    // Does:   Read The Picture Data From a Source (File / Resource)
    // ~~~~    And Load It Into The Current IPicture Object In Use
    // InPut:  Buffer Of Data Source (File / Resource) And Its Size
    // ~~~~~   
    // OutPut: Feed The IPicture Object With The Picture Data
    // ~~~~~~  (Use Draw Functions To Show It On a Device Context)
    //         TRUE If Succeeded...
    BOOL CPicture::LoadPictureData(BYTE *pBuffer, int nSize)
        BOOL bResult = FALSE;
        HGLOBAL hGlobal = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, nSize);
        if(hGlobal == NULL)
            HWND hWnd = AfxGetApp()->GetMainWnd()->m_hWnd;
            MessageBoxEx(hWnd, "Can not allocate enough memory\t", ERROR_TITLE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, LANG_ENGLISH);
        void* pData = GlobalLock(hGlobal);
        memcpy(pData, pBuffer, nSize);
        IStream* pStream = NULL;
        if(CreateStreamOnHGlobal(hGlobal, TRUE, &pStream) == S_OK)
            HRESULT hr;
            if((hr = OleLoadPicture(pStream, nSize, FALSE, IID_IPicture, (LPVOID *)&m_IPicture)) == E_NOINTERFACE)
                HWND hWnd = AfxGetApp()->GetMainWnd()->m_hWnd;
                MessageBoxEx(hWnd, "IPicture interface is not supported\t", ERROR_TITLE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, LANG_ENGLISH);
            else // S_OK
                pStream = NULL;
                bResult = TRUE;
        FreeResource(hGlobal); // 16Bit Windows Needs This (32Bit - Automatic Release)
    // Does:   Draw The Loaded Picture Direct To The Client DC
    // ~~~~
    // Note:   Bigger OR Smaller Dimentions Than The Original Picture Size
    // ~~~~    Will Draw The Picture Streached To Its New Given NEW Dimentions...
    // InPut:  pDC - Given DC To Draw On
    // ~~~~~   DrawRect - Dimentions Of The Picture To Draw (As a Rectangle)
    // OutPut: TRUE If Succeeded...
    // ~~~~~~
    BOOL CPicture::Show(CDC *pDC, CRect DrawRect)
        if (pDC == NULL || m_IPicture == NULL) return FALSE;
        long Width  = 0;
        long Height = 0;
        HRESULT hrP = NULL;
        hrP = m_IPicture->Render(pDC->m_hDC,
                          DrawRect.left,                  // Left
                ,                   // Top
                          DrawRect.right - DrawRect.left, // Right
                          DrawRect.bottom -, // Bottom
        if (SUCCEEDED(hrP)) return(TRUE);
        HWND hWnd = AfxGetApp()->GetMainWnd()->m_hWnd;
        MessageBoxEx(hWnd, "Can not allocate enough memory\t", ERROR_TITLE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, LANG_ENGLISH);
    // Does:   Draw The Loaded Picture Direct To The Client DC
    // ~~~~
    // Note:   Bigger OR Smaller Dimentions Than The Original Picture Size
    // ~~~~    Will Draw The Picture Streached To Its New Given Dimentions...
    // InPut:  pDC - Given DC To Draw On
    // ~~~~~   LeftTop - Opening Point To Start Drawing (Left,Top)
    //         WidthHeight - Dimentions Of The Picture To Draw (Width,Height)
    //         MagnifyX - Magnify Pixel Width, 0 = Default (No Magnify)
    //         MagnifyY - Magnify Pixel Height, 0 = Default (No Magnify)
    // OutPut: TRUE If Succeeded...
    // ~~~~~~
    BOOL CPicture::Show(CDC *pDC, CPoint LeftTop, CPoint WidthHeight, int MagnifyX, int MagnifyY)
        if (pDC == NULL || m_IPicture == NULL) return FALSE;
        long Width  = 0;
        long Height = 0;
        if(MagnifyX == NULL) MagnifyX = 0;
        if(MagnifyY == NULL) MagnifyY = 0;
        MagnifyX = int(MulDiv(Width, pDC->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSX), HIMETRIC_INCH) * MagnifyX);
        MagnifyY = int(MulDiv(Height,pDC->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY), HIMETRIC_INCH) * MagnifyY);
        CRect DrawRect(LeftTop.x, LeftTop.y, MagnifyX, MagnifyY);
        HRESULT hrP = NULL;
        hrP = m_IPicture->Render(pDC->m_hDC,
                          LeftTop.x,               // Left
                          LeftTop.y,               // Top
                          WidthHeight.x +MagnifyX, // Width
                          WidthHeight.y +MagnifyY, // Height
        if(SUCCEEDED(hrP)) return(TRUE);
        HWND hWnd = AfxGetApp()->GetMainWnd()->m_hWnd;
        MessageBoxEx(hWnd, "Can not allocate enough memory\t", ERROR_TITLE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, LANG_ENGLISH);
    // Does:   Saves The Picture That Is Stored In The IPicture Object As a Bitmap
    // ~~~~    (Converts From Any Known Picture Type To a Bitmap / Icon File)
    // InPut:  sFilePathName - Path And FileName Target To Save
    // ~~~~~
    // OutPut: TRUE If Succeeded...
    // ~~~~~~
    BOOL CPicture::SaveAsBitmap(CString sFilePathName)
        BOOL bResult = FALSE;
        ILockBytes *Buffer = 0;
        IStorage   *pStorage = 0;
        IStream    *FileStream = 0;
        BYTE       *BufferBytes;
        STATSTG     BytesStatistics;
        DWORD       OutData;
        long        OutStream;
        CFile       BitmapFile; CFileException e;
        double      SkipFloat = 0;
        DWORD       ByteSkip = 0;
        _ULARGE_INTEGER RealData;
        CreateILockBytesOnHGlobal(NULL, TRUE, &Buffer); // Create ILockBytes Buffer
        HRESULT hr = ::StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes(Buffer,
                     STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | STGM_CREATE | STGM_READWRITE, 0, &pStorage);
        hr = pStorage->CreateStream(L"PICTURE",
        m_IPicture->SaveAsFile(FileStream, TRUE, &OutStream); // Copy Data Stream
        // Get Statistics For Final Size Of Byte Array
        Buffer->Stat(&BytesStatistics, STATFLAG_NONAME);
        // Cut UnNeeded Data Coming From SaveAsFile() (Leave Only "Pure" Picture Data)
        SkipFloat = (double(OutStream) / 512); // Must Be In a 512 Blocks...
        if(SkipFloat > DWORD(SkipFloat)) ByteSkip = (DWORD)SkipFloat + 1;
        else ByteSkip = (DWORD)SkipFloat;
        ByteSkip = ByteSkip * 512; // Must Be In a 512 Blocks...
        // Find Difference Between The Two Values
        ByteSkip = (DWORD)(BytesStatistics.cbSize.QuadPart - ByteSkip);
        // Allocate Only The "Pure" Picture Data
        RealData.LowPart = 0;
        RealData.HighPart = 0;
        RealData.QuadPart = ByteSkip;
        BufferBytes = (BYTE*)malloc(OutStream);
        if(BufferBytes == NULL)
            HWND hWnd = AfxGetApp()->GetMainWnd()->m_hWnd;
            MessageBoxEx(hWnd, "Can not allocate enough memory\t", ERROR_TITLE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, LANG_ENGLISH);
        Buffer->ReadAt(RealData, BufferBytes, OutStream, &OutData);
        if(BitmapFile.Open(sFilePathName, CFile::typeBinary | CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite, &e))
            BitmapFile.Write(BufferBytes, OutData);
            bResult = TRUE;
        else // Write File Failed...
            TCHAR szCause[255];
            e.GetErrorMessage(szCause, 255, NULL);
            HWND hWnd = AfxGetApp()->GetMainWnd()->m_hWnd;
            MessageBoxEx(hWnd, szCause, ERROR_TITLE, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, LANG_ENGLISH);
            bResult = FALSE;
    // Does:   Draw a Bitmap Resource To The Client DC (Using Bitblt())
    // ~~~~    It Will Use The Bitmap Resource Original Size (Width And Height)
    //         (.BMP .DIB)
    // Note:   This Function Is Just Another Simple Way Of Displaying a Bitmap Resource,
    // ~~~~    It Is Not Connected With The IPicture Interface And Can Be Used
    //         As a StandAlone On Any Device Context (Directly)
    // InPut:  BMPResource - Resource Name As Defined In The Resources
    // ~~~~~   pDC - Given DC To Draw On
    //         LeftTop - Opening Point To Start Drawing (Left,Top)
    // OutPut: TRUE If Succeeded...
    // ~~~~~~
    BOOL CPicture::ShowBitmapResource(CDC *pDC, const int BMPResource, CPoint LeftTop)
       if (pDC == NULL) return(FALSE);
       CBitmap BMP;
            // Get Bitmap Details
            BITMAP BMPInfo;
            // Create An In-Memory DC Compatible With The Display DC We R Gonna Paint On
            CDC DCMemory;
            // Select The Bitmap Into The In-Memory DC
            CBitmap* pOldBitmap = DCMemory.SelectObject(&BMP);
            // Copy Bits From The In-Memory DC Into The On-Screen DC
            pDC->BitBlt(LeftTop.x, LeftTop.y, BMPInfo.bmWidth, BMPInfo.bmHeight, &DCMemory, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
            DCMemory.SelectObject(pOldBitmap); // (As Shown In MSDN Example...)
            TRACE0("ERROR: Can Not Find The Bitmap Resource\n");
    // Does:   Get The Original Picture Pixel Size (Ignor What Current DC Is Using)
    // ~~~~    Pointer To a Device Context Is Needed For Pixel Calculation,
    //         Also Updates The Class's Height And Width Properties,
    //         (Coz Till Now We Had No Device Context To Work With...96 DPI Assumed)
    // InPut:  The Client DC (Needed To Check The Size Of The Pixels)
    // ~~~~~
    // OutPut: TRUE If Succeeded...
    // ~~~~~~
    BOOL CPicture::UpdateSizeOnDC(CDC *pDC)
        if(pDC == NULL || m_IPicture == NULL) { m_Height = 0; m_Width = 0; return(FALSE); };
        // Get Current DPI - Dot Per Inch
        int CurrentDPI_X = pDC->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSX);
        int CurrentDPI_Y = pDC->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY);
        // Use a "Standard" Print (When Printing)
            CurrentDPI_X = 96;
            CurrentDPI_Y = 96;
        m_Height = MulDiv(m_Height, CurrentDPI_Y, HIMETRIC_INCH);
        m_Width  = MulDiv(m_Width,  CurrentDPI_X, HIMETRIC_INCH);

    header file

    // Picture (Prototypes) Version 1.00
    // Routins 4 Showing Picture Files... (.BMP .DIB .EMF .GIF .ICO .JPG .WMF)
    // Author: Dr. Yovav Gad, EMail: ,Web: 
    #if _MSC_VER > 1000
    #pragma once
    #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
    class CPicture
        void FreePictureData();
        BOOL Load(CString sFilePathName);
        BOOL Load(UINT ResourceName, LPCSTR ResourceType);
        BOOL LoadPictureData(BYTE* pBuffer, int nSize);
        BOOL SaveAsBitmap(CString sFilePathName);
        BOOL Show(CDC* pDC, CPoint LeftTop, CPoint WidthHeight, int MagnifyX, int MagnifyY);
        BOOL Show(CDC* pDC, CRect DrawRect);
        BOOL ShowBitmapResource(CDC* pDC, const int BMPResource, CPoint LeftTop);
        BOOL UpdateSizeOnDC(CDC* pDC);
        virtual ~CPicture();
        IPicture* m_IPicture; // Same As LPPICTURE (typedef IPicture __RPC_FAR *LPPICTURE)
        LONG      m_Height; // Height (In Pixels Ignor What Current Device Context Uses)
        LONG      m_Weight; // Size Of The Image Object In Bytes (File OR Resource)
        LONG      m_Width;  // Width (In Pixels Ignor What Current Device Context Uses)

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