How to deallocate 3D arrays (array of pointers to arrays)

  • I allocated memory within an DLL using malloc:

    I = (float **)malloc(zmax * sizeof(float *)); 
    	for( i = 0; i <= zmax; ++i) 
         	I[i] = (float *)malloc(xmax*ymax * sizeof(float));

    I deallocated using free:

    for( i = 1; i <= zmax; ++i) 

    When I call this DLL from Labview multiple times the program is running out of memory. I want to make sure that this behavior is not due to wrong deallocation inside the DLL.
    Can anyone help me?
    Thanks in advance.

  • You allocate using this loop with i set to 0:

    for( i = 0; i <= zmax; ++i) 
    	I[i] = (float *)malloc(xmax*ymax * sizeof(float));

    But you deallocate with i set to 1:

    for( i = 1; i <= zmax; ++i) 

    This looks wrong to me. I guess this is the fault. Just set i to 0 and check the result.

    Besides, why do you note an additional free?


    I think this is not necessary.

  • I = (float **)malloc(zmax * sizeof(float *));

    this is not three d

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