Problem mit Rabbit!!!

  • Hey. Hoffe ich bin hier richtig. Mein Professor will, dass ich auf einem rabbit rcm3200 einen Webserver drauf mache. Mit dem ich die LEDs auf dem rabbit steuern kann. Zusätzlich soll man die LEDs auch per Knopfdruck am rabbit selbst einschalten können. Ich programmiere normalerweise nur java, deshalb bereitet mir das echt Kopfzerbrechen. Habe schon 2 sample Programme gefunden, die das machen. Doch schaffe ich es nicht beide zusammen zu setzen. Wäre echt nett, wenn mir dabei jemand helfen könnte. 🙂

    Hier die beiden Programme:


    Z-World, 2002

    This program is used with RCM3200 series controllers
    with prototyping boards.

    The sample library, rcm3200.lib, contains a brdInit()
    function which initializes port pins. Modify this
    function to fit your application.


    This program uses costatements to detect switches with
    press and release method debouncing. Corresponding LED's,
    DS1 and DS2, will turn on or off.


    1. Compile and run this program.
    2. Press and release S2 switch to toggle DS1 LED on/off.
    3. Press and release S3 switch to toggle DS2 LED on/off.

    #class auto // Change default storage class for local variables: on the stack

    #use rcm3200.lib //sample library used for this demo

    #define DS1 6 //led, port G bit 6
    #define DS2 7 //led, port G bit 7
    #define S2 1 //switch, port G bit 1
    #define S3 0 //switch, port G bit 0

    auto int sw1, sw2, led1, led2;

    brdInit(); //initialize board for this demo

    led1=led2=1; //initialize leds to off value
    sw1=sw2=0; //initialize switches to false value

    while (1)
    if (BitRdPortI(PGDR, S2)) //wait for switch S2 press
    waitfor(DelayMs(50)); //switch press detected if got to here
    if (BitRdPortI(PGDR, S2)) //wait for switch release
    sw1=!sw1; //set valid switch

    if (BitRdPortI(PGDR, S3)) //wait for switch S3 press
    waitfor(DelayMs(50)); //switch press detected if got to here
    if (BitRdPortI(PGDR, S3)) //wait for switch release
    sw2=!sw2; //set valid switch

    { // toggle DS1 led upon valid S2 press/release and clear switch
    if (sw1)
    BitWrPortI(PGDR, &PGDRShadow, led1=led1?0:1, DS1);

    { // toggle DS2 upon valid S3 press/release and clear switch
    if (sw2)
    BitWrPortI(PGDR, &PGDRShadow, led2=led2?0:1, DS2);


    und hier das andere:

    Z-World, 2002

    This program is used with RCM3200 series controllers
    with prototyping boards.

    The sample library, rcm3200.lib, contains a brdInit()
    function which initializes port pins. Modify this
    function to fit your application.


    This program demonstrates a basic controller running a
    WEB page. Two "device LED's" are created with two
    buttons to toggle them. Users can browse to the device
    and change the status of the lights. The LED's on the
    prototyping board will match the ones on the web page.

    This program is adapted from \Samples\TCPIP\ssi.c.


    1. Make changes below in the configuration section to
    match your application.
    2. Compile and run this program.
    3. With your WEB browser access the WEB page running on
    the controller.
    4. View LEDS on Web page and the prototyping board to
    see that they match-up when changing them via the
    WEB page control button.

    #class auto

    #use rcm3200.lib //sample library used for this demo

    #define DS1 0x40 //led, port G bit 6 bitmask
    #define DS2 0x80 //led, port G bit 7 bitmask

    * Configuration Section *
    * --------------------- *
    * All fields in this section must *
    * be altered to match your local *
    * network settings. *

    * Pick the predefined TCP/IP configuration for this sample. See
    * LIB\TCPIP\TCP_CONFIG.LIB for instructions on how to set the
    * configuration.
    #define TCPCONFIG 1

    * TCP/IP modification - reduce TCP socket buffer
    * size, to allow more connections. This can be increased,
    * with increased performance, if the number of sockets
    * are reduced. Note that this buffer size is split in
    * two for TCP sockets--1024 bytes for send and 1024 bytes
    * for receive.
    #define TCP_BUF_SIZE 2048

    * Web server configuration

    * Define the number of HTTP servers and socket buffers.
    * With tcp_reserveport(), fewer HTTP servers are needed.
    #define HTTP_MAXSERVERS 2

    * Our web server as seen from the clients.
    * This should be the address that the clients (netscape/IE)
    * use to access your server. Usually, this is your IP address.
    * If you are behind a firewall, though, it might be a port on
    * the proxy, that will be forwarded to the Rabbit board. The
    * commented out line is an example of such a situation.
    //#define REDIRECTHOST ""
    //#define REDIRECTHOST "" //internal development use only

    * End of configuration section *

    * REDIRECTTO is used by each ledxtoggle cgi's to tell the
    * browser which page to hit next. The default REDIRECTTO
    * assumes that you are serving a page that does not have
    * any address translation applied to it.

    #define REDIRECTTO "http://" REDIRECTHOST ""

    #memmap xmem
    #use "dcrtcp.lib"
    #use "http.lib"

    * Notice that we have ximported in the source code for
    * this program. This allows us to <!--#include file="ssi.c"-->
    * in the pages/showsrc.shtml.

    #ximport "samples/rcm3200/tcpip/pages/browseled.shtml" index_html
    #ximport "samples/rcm3200/tcpip/pages/rabbit1.gif" rabbit1_gif
    #ximport "samples/rcm3200/tcpip/pages/ledon.gif" ledon_gif
    #ximport "samples/rcm3200/tcpip/pages/ledoff.gif" ledoff_gif
    #ximport "samples/rcm3200/tcpip/pages/button.gif" button_gif
    #ximport "samples/rcm3200/tcpip/pages/showsrc.shtml" showsrc_shtml
    #ximport "samples/rcm3200/tcpip/browseled.c" browseled_c

    * In this case the .html is not the first type in the
    * type table. This causes the default (no extension)
    * to assume the shtml_handler.

    /* the default for / must be first */
    const HttpType http_types[] =
    { ".shtml", "text/html", shtml_handler}, // ssi
    { ".html", "text/html", NULL}, // html
    { ".cgi", "", NULL}, // cgi
    { ".gif", "image/gif", NULL}

    * Each ledx contains a text string that is either
    * "ledon.gif" or "ledoff.gif" This string is toggled
    * each time the ledxtoggle.cgi is requested from the
    * browser.

    char led1[15];
    char led2[15];

    * Instead of sending other text back from the cgi's
    * we have decided to redirect them to the original page.
    * the cgi_redirectto forms a header which will redirect
    * the browser back to the main page.

    int led1toggle(HttpState* state)
    if (strcmp(led1,"ledon.gif")==0)

    return 0;

    int led2toggle(HttpState* state)
    if (strcmp(led2,"ledon.gif")==0)

    return 0;

    const HttpSpec http_flashspec[] =
    { HTTPSPEC_FILE, "/", index_html, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL},
    { HTTPSPEC_FILE, "/index.shtml", index_html, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL},
    { HTTPSPEC_FILE, "/showsrc.shtml", showsrc_shtml, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL},
    { HTTPSPEC_FILE, "/rabbit1.gif", rabbit1_gif, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL},
    { HTTPSPEC_FILE, "/ledon.gif", ledon_gif, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL},
    { HTTPSPEC_FILE, "/ledoff.gif", ledoff_gif, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL},
    { HTTPSPEC_FILE, "/button.gif", button_gif, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL},

    { HTTPSPEC_FILE, "browseled.c", browseled_c, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL},

    { HTTPSPEC_VARIABLE, "led1", 0, led1, PTR16, "%s", NULL},
    { HTTPSPEC_VARIABLE, "led2", 0, led2, PTR16, "%s", NULL},

    { HTTPSPEC_FUNCTION, "/led1tog.cgi", 0, led1toggle, 0, NULL, NULL},
    { HTTPSPEC_FUNCTION, "/led2tog.cgi", 0, led2toggle, 0, NULL, NULL},

    void update_outputs()
    auto int value;

    value=PGDRShadow&0x3F; //on state for leds

    /* update O0 */
    if (strcmp(led1,"ledon.gif"))

    /* update O1 */
    if (strcmp(led2,"ledon.gif"))

    WrPortI(PGDR, &PGDRShadow, value);


    brdInit(); //initialize board for this demo



    while (1)



    Vielen Dank im Voraus! 🙄

  • Mod

    Hallo Lisa92,

    bitte lies dir mal den ersten Link in meiner Signatur und den Thread "RTFM! Warum dir keiner helfen will..." durch. Du klatscht uns eine Menge unformatierten Code ohne klare Frage hin. Deine Erklärungen sind durch die schlechte Grammatik kaum verständlich. Wenn ich das was du schreibst richtig interpretiere und du wirklich einen Webserver für einen Embedded-Prozessor schreiben sollst, aber schon an den Grundlagen von C scheiterst, dann gut Nacht.

    Du zeigst auch keinerlei Eigeninitiative und es wirkt so, als sollten wir hier für dich eine Aufgabe die du von deinem Betreuer für dein Studium gestellt bekommen hast für dich lösen.

  • SeppJ schrieb:

    Du zeigst auch keinerlei Eigeninitiative und es wirkt so, als sollten wir hier für dich eine Aufgabe die du von deinem Betreuer für dein Studium gestellt bekommen hast für dich lösen.

    Da bringt nicht mal der Name Lisa92 was, da muss man sich schon was besseres einfallen lassen. 😃

    Btw. es gibt hier auch einen Projekt Bereich eventuell ist jemand bereit dir eine fertige Lösung für etwas Geld zu basteln.

  • Bassmaster schrieb:

    Btw. es gibt hier auch einen Projekt Bereich eventuell ist jemand bereit dir eine fertige Lösung für etwas Geld zu basteln.

    Das wird ja sowieso wieder nix. Der Auftraggeber wird die üblichen 5€ bieten, und die Entwickler bestehen auf ihrem 1.2 Mio. Tagessatz. 😉

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