objektorientiertes c

  • ca. so:

    #include <iostream> 
    #include <vector> 
    #include <string>
    using namespace std; 
    enum type {
    class animal {
        string name; 
    	type animal_type;
    	animal(string name_, type animal_type_): name(name_), 
    	                                         animal_type(animal_type_) {}
    	virtual string make_sound() = 0;
    class cat : public animal {
    	int some_variabe2;
    	cat(string name_): animal(name_, cat_animal) {} 
    	virtual string make_sound() {
    		return "meow!";
    class dog : public animal {
    	int some_variabe1;
    	dog(string name_): animal(name_, dog_animal) {} 
    	virtual string make_sound() {
    		return "bark!";
    class animal_manager { 
        vector<animal*> vec; 
        void add_animal(animal *a) { 
        void print_animals() { 
    		for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) { 
            	cout << vec[i]->make_sound() << endl; 
    int main() { 
        animal_manager m; 
        m.add_animal(new cat("susi")); // i know we need to delete this object from the heap...
        m.add_animal(new dog("struppi")); // i know we need to delete this object from the heap...
        return 0; 

  • ich versuche gerade folgendes buch zu lesen und den c++ code auf c zu mappen: http://www.cs.rit.edu/~ats/books/ooc.pdf

  • Vererbung geht so, falls das die Frage war:

    struct dog
    	animal base;
    	int some_variabe1;

    Die Entsprechung von new ist in C nicht static , sondern malloc .

  • und wie kann ich dog in einem dynamischen array e.g.

    vector<animal*> vec;

    (achtung c++ code) speichern?

  • Ein Zeiger ist keine Referenz; wenn du das berücksichtigst, läuft doch alles wie gewünscht:

    #include <stdio.h>
    struct animal_vtable {
      const char* (*sound)();
    struct animal {
      struct animal_vtable methods;
      const char* name;
    const char* cat_sound()
      return "meow!";
    const char* dog_sound()
      return "bark!";
    struct animal_manager {
      struct animal vec[100];
      int i;
    void add_animal(struct animal_manager *m, struct animal a)
      m->vec[m->i++] = a;
    void print_animals(struct animal_manager *m)
      for (int i = 0; i < m->i; i++) {
        puts( m->vec[i].methods.sound() );
    // wie kann man das hier eleganter machen, und static vermeiden?
    struct animal new_cat(const char *name)
      struct animal cat = { { &cat_sound }, name };
      return cat;
    // wie kann man das hier eleganter machen, und static vermeiden?
    struct animal new_dog(const char *name)
      struct animal dog = { { &dog_sound }, name };
      return dog;
    int main()
      struct animal_manager m = { 0 };
      add_animal(&m, new_cat("cat"));
      add_animal(&m, new_dog("dog"));
      return 0;

  • dog *d = malloc(sizeof(*d));
    //.. vtable und andere Member initialisieren ..
    //beides ist möglich, wenn base am Anfang der Struktur steht:
    animal *a = &d->base;
    animal *b = (animal *)d;
    //darf man auch:
    dog *e = (dog *)a;

  • man kann sowas machen um inheritance zu simulieren. wie kann ich mir einen konstruktor / destructor bauen?

    #include <stdio.h>
    typedef struct {
      int x;
      int y;
    } point;
    typedef struct {
      point center;
      int radius;
    } circle;
    void init_point(point *p, int x, int y)
      p->x = x;
      p->y = y;
    void init_circle(circle *c, int x, int y, int r)
      init_point((void *)c, x, y);
      c->radius = r;
    int main(void) {
    	// your code goes here
    	circle c;
    	init_circle(&c, 1, 2, 3);
    	return 0;

  • kann jemand mit ein besseres beispiel zeigen?

    #include <stdio.h>
    typedef struct {
      int x;
      int y;
    } point;
    typedef struct {
      point center;
      int radius;
    } circle;
    void init_point(point *p, int x, int y)
      p->x = x;
      p->y = y;
    void init_circle(circle *c, int x, int y, int r)
      init_point((void *)c, x, y);
      c->radius = r;
    point NewPoint() 
      point p;
      p.x = 0;
      p.y = 0;
      return p;
    void FreePoint(point *this_)
    circle NewCircle() 
      circle ret;
      ret.center = NewPoint();
      ret.radius = 0;
      return ret;
    void FreeCircle(circle *this_)
    int main(void) {
    	// your code goes here
    	circle c;
    	c = NewCircle();
    	init_circle(&c, 1, 2, 3);
    	return 0;

  • hi, ich habe nun ein basic example erstellt. wie kann ich den konstructor / destructor aus C++ nachbauen?

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <math.h>
    struct shape;
    struct shape_vtable {
      float (*calc_area) (struct shape*);
    struct shape {
    	int x;
    	int y;
    	struct shape_vtable *vtable;
    struct shape NewShape() {
    	struct shape s;
    	s.x = 0;
    	s.y = 0;
    	return s;
    void FreeShape(struct shape *this_) {
    static void init_shape(struct shape *s, int x, int y) {
    	s->x = x;
    	s->y = y;
    static float calc_area(struct shape *s) {
    	return s->vtable->calc_area(s);
    struct circle {
    	struct shape super;
    	int radius;
    struct circle NewCircle() {
    	struct circle ret;
    	ret.super = NewShape();
    	ret.radius = 0;
    	return ret;
    void FreeCircle(struct circle *this_) {
    static float circle_calc_area(struct shape *s) {
    	struct circle *c = (struct circle*)s;
    	return (c->radius * c->radius) / M_PI;
    static struct shape_vtable circle_vtable = {
    	.calc_area = circle_calc_area,
    static void init_circle(struct circle *c, int x, int y, int r) {
    	init_shape((void *)c, x, y);
    	c->super.vtable = &circle_vtable;
    	c->radius = r;
    int main(void) {
    	// your code goes here
    	struct circle c;
    	c = NewCircle();
    	init_circle(&c, 1, 2, 3);
    	struct shape *s = (struct shape*)&c;
    	printf("%f", calc_area(s));
    	return 0;

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