
  • Hallo!

    Ich hape eine Klass mit dynamischer Speicherplatzverwaltung in einer Funktion als static angegeben. Wird nun der Destruktor beim Beenden des Programms aufgerufen, oder nicht?

  • Wird nun der Destruktor beim Beenden des Programms aufgerufen, oder nicht?

    Sicher. Solange das Programm ordnungsgemäß beendet wird, wird auch der Dtor statischer Objekte aufgerufen.

  • Werden bei diesem exit() Befehl auch alle Destruktoren der statischen Objekte aufgerufen? Was passiert bei diesem Befehl eigentlich genau?

  • Ja, aber nur die Destruktoren statischer, nicht die automatischer Objekte.

    exit(int status)
    4 The function exit() has  additional  behavior  in  this  International
      --First,  objects with static storage duration are destroyed and func-
        tions registered by calling atexit are called.  Objects with  static
        storage  duration  are destroyed in the reverse order of the comple-
        tion of their constructor.  (Automatic objects are not destroyed  as
        a result of calling exit().)28) Functions registered with atexit are
        called  in  the  reverse  order of their registration.29) A function
        registered with atexit before an object obj1 of static storage dura-
        tion  is initialized will not be called until obj1's destruction has
        completed.  A function registered with atexit after an  object  obj2
        of  static  storage  duration  is  initialized will be called before
        obj2's destruction starts.
      28)  Objects  with  automatic  storage duration are all destroyed in a
      program whose function main() contains no automatic objects  and  exe-
      cutes the call to exit().  Control can be transferred directly to such
      a main() by throwing an exception that is caught in main().
      29) A function is called for every time it is registered.
      --Next, all open C streams (as mediated  by  the  function  signatures
        declared  in <cstdio> ) with unwritten buffered data are flushed, all
        open C streams are closed, and all files  created  by  calling  tmp-
        file() are removed.30)
      --Finally,  control is returned to the host environment.  If status is
        zero or EXIT_SUCCESS, an implementation-defined form of  the  status
        successful  termination  is returned.  If status is EXIT_FAILURE, an
        implementation-defined form of the status  unsuccessful  termination
        is     returned.      Otherwise     the     status    returned    is
    5 The function exit() never returns to its caller.

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