[Borland C++] DirectInput: unresolved externals

  • Hallo!
    Ich habe versucht, dieses Tutorial umzusetzen. Das Compilieren geht problemlos, nur beim Starten kommen dann die beiden Fehler:

    [Linker Fehler] Unresolved external '_IID_IDirectInput8A' referenced from ...
    [Linker Fehler] Unresolved external '_c_dfDIKeyboard' referenced from ...

    Header und Libs sind wie im Tutorial eingebunden:

    // include the basic windows header files and the DirectX header files
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <windowsx.h>
    #include <dinput.h>
    // include the DirectX Library files
    #pragma comment (lib, "dinput.lib")
    #pragma comment (lib, "dinput8.lib")
    #pragma comment (lib, "dxguid.lib")
    // this is the function that initializes DirectInput
    void initDInput(HINSTANCE hInstance, HWND hWnd)
        // create the DirectInput interface
        DirectInput8Create(hInstance,    // the handle to the application
                           DIRECTINPUT_VERSION,    // the compatible version
                           IID_IDirectInput8,    // the DirectInput interface version
                           (void**)&din,    // the pointer to the interface
                           NULL);    // COM stuff, so we'll set it to NULL
        // create the keyboard device
        din->CreateDevice(GUID_SysKeyboard,    // the default keyboard ID being used
                          &dinkeyboard,    // the pointer to the device interface
                          NULL);    // COM stuff, so we'll set it to NULL
        dinkeyboard->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIKeyboard); // set the data format to keyboard format
        // set the control you will have over the keyboard
                                         DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE | DISCL_BACKGROUND);

    und in den Projektoptionen sind die Pfade auch gesetzt:

    *DX SDK*\Include\
    $(BCB)\Lib\DirectX  //mit Coff2Omf umgewandelte DX Libs

    Warum erkennt der die beiden Ausdrücke nicht?

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